Greetings, JNP Kakis!
By Patrick Tan
Warm greetings, JNP Kakis!
It is wonderful to be able to share a moment with you through our Branch’s new newsletter and blog. It is my sincerest hope you have been keeping well since the last time we have been able to be together.
The word “kaki” is an informal term used to describe especially close friends with whom we share a special relationship based on common interests. There are different types of kakis – mahjong kakis, fishing kakis, soccer kakis – you name it. The unique thing about kakis is that they meet up regularly, they talk, they have fun, and they often take a genuine interest in each other’s lives that often goes far deeper than the initial purpose for which they came together. Most importantly, they share a meaningful time together, sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas. It is a special word reserved for special friends. Believe me then, that our relationship with you is a friendship in a very true sense of the word.
This newsletter and blog is an effort on our part to remind ourselves of the common bonds of affection and mutual interests that we share, and to and keep our relationship fresh even when we are not able to be physically together.
Since I founded JNP eight years ago, I have uncompromisingly inculcated in the members of our JNP family the fundamental responsibility of caring for our clients in a holistic manner. Professionally, it goes without saying that we take very seriously our primary duty to provide you with the very best financial management advice available. My managers, advisors and I spare no effort in ensuring that your bottom line comes before anyone else’s, including the company’s. But beyond the high quality of the financial advice we strive to provide, which you very rightfully should expect, there are also other things that I believe enrich our lives in more fundamental ways. Monetary wealth alone does not a rich person make.
That is why JNP’s value system has always been based on three pillars – Health, Relationships and Wealth. These elements comprise the DNA of the Branch. They govern our activities, guide our policies and determine how we interact with our clients and associates.
It is fitting then that the focus of our newsletter and blog be based on these topics.
I am a firm believer and proponent of active healthcare, especially that of the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) school. Growing up, my mother who had inherited manuals on TCM from her father-in-law, taught me its principles and helped me appreciate its efficacy. My day typically begins at 7am with an hour-long qigong regime that sets the tone for the rest of the day. My two families – my wife and two sons, as well as my JNP family – are also beneficiaries of TCM’s efficacy. I regularly perform therapeutic massages on my wife, children and parents. And as for my JNP family, we have a qigong club for which I conduct sessions on a weekly basis. It is most heartening when I hear of advisors who have had their ailments cured after a few sessions of TCM. Many clients as well, upon the encouragement of their advisors, have adopted TCM practices and had their illnesses, sometimes chronic and potentially debilitating, either fully cured or abated. This is why one of the purposes of this newsletter and blog will be to share with you simple tips and information on how you too can benefit from engaging in active healthcare, the JNP way.
It is the second component of our value system – relationships – that I consider to be preeminent. It is our association with the people around us, be they family, friends, colleagues or acquaintances that give us a sense of who we are and influence the purpose in our endeavours. It is especially true of the people with whom we collaborate the closest that we find the most reason to nurture a positive and constructive relationship. That is why I have always sought to create a culture in JNP based on love, mutual respect and appreciation for the blessings in one’s life. And I believe it is only when we practice these virtues with the people we are dearest to – our families - that we are able to be genuinely extend those same virtues into the lives of our clients as well. Another portion of our newsletter will be dedicated on exploring the meaning and significance of the relationships we have with the people closest to us, and how we can continually nurture those bonds.
The third and final segment of our newsletter will touch on our wealth management philosophy. In this portion, I will share my thoughts on the state of the present financial situation and help you contextualize it by drawing upon historical precedent and explore with you how great investors such as Graham, Buffet and perhaps a few whom you may not have yet heard of, might have handled it.
In founding JNP and helping to build it to what it is today, I never set out to create a corporate culture in the conventional perception of the word. We do things differently at JNP because we live our lives and conduct our professional affairs according to values that are often overlooked or misunderstood by many. Even more than striving to be the best team of financial advisors for you, JNP is a family of young men and women seeking to create meaning in their lives by constantly growing to be filial children, loving spouses, nurturing parents and loyal friends.
And yes, great kakis to be with as well!
Thank you very much for your time, and I wish you great success in your Health, Relationships and Wealth!
Warm greetings, JNP Kakis!
It is wonderful to be able to share a moment with you through our Branch’s new newsletter and blog. It is my sincerest hope you have been keeping well since the last time we have been able to be together.
The word “kaki” is an informal term used to describe especially close friends with whom we share a special relationship based on common interests. There are different types of kakis – mahjong kakis, fishing kakis, soccer kakis – you name it. The unique thing about kakis is that they meet up regularly, they talk, they have fun, and they often take a genuine interest in each other’s lives that often goes far deeper than the initial purpose for which they came together. Most importantly, they share a meaningful time together, sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas. It is a special word reserved for special friends. Believe me then, that our relationship with you is a friendship in a very true sense of the word.
This newsletter and blog is an effort on our part to remind ourselves of the common bonds of affection and mutual interests that we share, and to and keep our relationship fresh even when we are not able to be physically together.
Since I founded JNP eight years ago, I have uncompromisingly inculcated in the members of our JNP family the fundamental responsibility of caring for our clients in a holistic manner. Professionally, it goes without saying that we take very seriously our primary duty to provide you with the very best financial management advice available. My managers, advisors and I spare no effort in ensuring that your bottom line comes before anyone else’s, including the company’s. But beyond the high quality of the financial advice we strive to provide, which you very rightfully should expect, there are also other things that I believe enrich our lives in more fundamental ways. Monetary wealth alone does not a rich person make.
That is why JNP’s value system has always been based on three pillars – Health, Relationships and Wealth. These elements comprise the DNA of the Branch. They govern our activities, guide our policies and determine how we interact with our clients and associates.
It is fitting then that the focus of our newsletter and blog be based on these topics.
I am a firm believer and proponent of active healthcare, especially that of the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) school. Growing up, my mother who had inherited manuals on TCM from her father-in-law, taught me its principles and helped me appreciate its efficacy. My day typically begins at 7am with an hour-long qigong regime that sets the tone for the rest of the day. My two families – my wife and two sons, as well as my JNP family – are also beneficiaries of TCM’s efficacy. I regularly perform therapeutic massages on my wife, children and parents. And as for my JNP family, we have a qigong club for which I conduct sessions on a weekly basis. It is most heartening when I hear of advisors who have had their ailments cured after a few sessions of TCM. Many clients as well, upon the encouragement of their advisors, have adopted TCM practices and had their illnesses, sometimes chronic and potentially debilitating, either fully cured or abated. This is why one of the purposes of this newsletter and blog will be to share with you simple tips and information on how you too can benefit from engaging in active healthcare, the JNP way.
It is the second component of our value system – relationships – that I consider to be preeminent. It is our association with the people around us, be they family, friends, colleagues or acquaintances that give us a sense of who we are and influence the purpose in our endeavours. It is especially true of the people with whom we collaborate the closest that we find the most reason to nurture a positive and constructive relationship. That is why I have always sought to create a culture in JNP based on love, mutual respect and appreciation for the blessings in one’s life. And I believe it is only when we practice these virtues with the people we are dearest to – our families - that we are able to be genuinely extend those same virtues into the lives of our clients as well. Another portion of our newsletter will be dedicated on exploring the meaning and significance of the relationships we have with the people closest to us, and how we can continually nurture those bonds.
The third and final segment of our newsletter will touch on our wealth management philosophy. In this portion, I will share my thoughts on the state of the present financial situation and help you contextualize it by drawing upon historical precedent and explore with you how great investors such as Graham, Buffet and perhaps a few whom you may not have yet heard of, might have handled it.
In founding JNP and helping to build it to what it is today, I never set out to create a corporate culture in the conventional perception of the word. We do things differently at JNP because we live our lives and conduct our professional affairs according to values that are often overlooked or misunderstood by many. Even more than striving to be the best team of financial advisors for you, JNP is a family of young men and women seeking to create meaning in their lives by constantly growing to be filial children, loving spouses, nurturing parents and loyal friends.
And yes, great kakis to be with as well!
Thank you very much for your time, and I wish you great success in your Health, Relationships and Wealth!

Patrick Tan, 36, is known affectionately as “Boss” or “Lau Ban” (which is Chinese for “boss”) by his team of managers and advisers. He is on the company’s Board of Directors and is responsible for organizational culture within IPP Financial Advisers. Patrick is also the founder and Branch Partner of JNP Branch, which has consistently been the most awarded branch in IPP. More than just a boss in the conventional sense, Patrick is a mentor, counselor and great kaki to his JNP family.
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