You’ll always receive a warm (water) welcome at JNP!
First-time guests at JNP’s in-house cafe, The Red Olive, might find it a little peculiar that we typically serve warm water instead of iced water, which is what other cafes and restaurants usually serve. Our regular guests understand that we do this because of our holistic approach to the welfare of our clients and loved ones - healthcare being an integral part of it.
In the Eastern medical school of thought, warm beverages are preferable to cold ones because of its effect on the internal constitution of the drinker. The body’s ideal temperature is around 37 degrees Celsius and our internal organs function optimally at that level. Consuming cold beverages when there is no physiological need to lower the body’s temperature presents an introduction of less-than-ideal thermal conditions for the organs to function optimally. Unnecessary organic stress is created when the body has to then exert more energy raising its temperature back to the ideal level.Of course, on a warm day, drinking a moderately cool beverage would be beneficial in the converse manner, lowering the body’s temperature down to its optimal level. But when no such reduction is required, consuming water at a temperature commensurate with your body’s own – or at least at room temperature – is best.
For those who have a fondness for cold artificially-sweetened beverages such as soft-drinks, it is also worth bearing in mind that the body finds it more difficult to break down sugar proteins when it is introduced to the body as a cold solution than as a warm one.
JNP’s philosophy when it comes to water extends also to a study conducted by Dr Masaru Emoto of Japan in the 1990’s, which suggested that water crystals form more robust and aesthetically-pleasing molecular structures when the mood of the drinker was positive. Dr Emoto’s study indicated that when water was placed in the presence of positive thoughts, music and emotions, its crystalized molecular structure became more symmetrical and therefore “healthier”. While some scientists are of the opinion that more research needs to be done before Dr Emoto’s claim can be accepted as a fully-scientific fact, it is nonetheless a fascinating thought and, at the very least, a reminder to us that our thoughts and attitudes influence our surroundings in ways that are often unseen but not unappreciable.
What is scientifically undeniable is that water is the source of life. And JNP’s approach to water presents a fundamental building block in our healthcare philosophy. So the next time we have the pleasure of hosting you in The Red Olive, you’ll understand why the warmth of our welcome extends to the temperature of the water we serve!
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