Trodding into 2010

By Patrick Tan

As we cross farther into a new decade, we see a horizon of new promises and greater dreams. We stand at the threshold of a new beginning, with our vision cast towards the realisation of ever greater promises.

JNP can never be accused of setting mediocre goals for ourselves. For our clients, especially those with whom we share an especially close personal bond, the same holds true. Over the years, you have become more than clients. Most of you have become close friends. Ours is a bond founded on something more than just professional standards.

The trust you have placed in us has blossomed over the time we have been together, and will continue to nourish our relationship in 2010. Whatever we, as a family, seek to accomplish this year, know that the main reason, the sole impetus, for it is you: our client and our friend.

Please allow me to touch on a few areas for what you can expect from JNP in 2010.

China: A Strategic Buy; a Value buy.

China was and will continue to be a focal point in our investment strategy. We want our clients to own China at the cheapest price possible for the next many generations. This is not new or unique to JNP. However, for our clients who have been with us for awhile longer, they would know that we made the call on China before it acquired the celebrated status it did. We feel humbly confident our philosophy and methodology has served them well on more than one occasion and will continue to do so in the future.

While short-term punters may have also stumbled onto China's immense potential, our clients should understand that our approach is philosophically different. When we decided to get into China, it was not because we knew its stock market would also double, but because we knew it was going to be a powerful engine in the decades to come. So, China will remain a core component in our clients' portfolio for this year and the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, do expect volatility in the next one to three years as China sees itself possibly regaining grounds to where it fell from in 2007.

Playing Offensive and New Opportunities

If you think about it in soccer terms, the economic situation in the past couple of years called for us to play defence and midfield with our investment approach. However, the whistle for the second half was blown, and this year will be the year we begin to assume our striking positions. It will be a year that marks the beginning of exceptional new opportunities with a number of developing countries and other areas of wealth creation. We aim to accomplish a great deal of asset growth for our clients before the next bout of mass euphoria sets in and we revert to a more prudent defensive posture. Indeed, the next few years are going to be very exciting for JNP and our clients. The economic situation is going to be phenomenal. JNP is seizing the opportunity to delve into new areas of investment development and growth such as property research. So we will be very busy this year, making money for our clients.

Volume vs. Return on Investment (R.O.I)

JNP has always sought to distinguish ourselves from the rest of the wealth management industry. Sadly, we see the majority of our counterparts in other advisory firms falling prey to the vultures of low moral expectations and salesmanship. For the typical financial salesman, he or she understands the system is designed to reward the volume of assets under management, rather than wealth creation for his or her clients. Most of them would choose the line of least resistance and focus on sales rather than R.O.I. Simply because it takes more effort to research into a set of funds than to make a sale to a new client.

But, like I said earlier, JNP has never sought to set mediocre expectations for ourselves. Your trust in us demands that we make the effort to keep your portfolio on track. It is part and parcel of the substance of our relationship. As we increase our research efforts into new areas of opportunities this year, know that it is with you in our mind that we do so.


Curiously, many of the areas that JNP will be venturing into this year have not been requested by our clients. Aspects novel to our investment offerings are all part of our efforts to pre-empt the needs of our clients even before they know they require them.

This is reflective of JNP's philosophy of being an organisation that cares truly for our clients.

We are confident that this, and the years ahead, will be exceptional periods of growth not just of your portfolio, but also of our relationship with you. Again, thank you for your continued trust and confidence in us. We will do our utmost to serve you and your financial wellbeing.

We do not set mediocre expectations for ourselves as an organisation. Neither does us, for the profound relationship we have with you. Rest assured that 2010 will be a fantastic year in so many ways!


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“Kaki” is used to describe close friends with whom we share a special relationship. The unique thing is that they meet up regularly, they talk, they have fun, and they often take a genuine interest in each other’s lives. Most importantly, they share a meaningful time together, sharing knowledge and exchanging ideas.

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